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What is a Mental Health Coach?

Mental health coaches support clients to achieve improved mental fitness outcomes, by building emotional strength and resilience.We work to move our clients - students and educators and whanau - forward with their wellbeing.

How we support the education sector

Our coaches work in the education sector to support better mental health outcomes for our children and the staff that care for them.

Our coaches do this in different ways.

In schools:
Workshops with staff on classroom mental health strategies

Presentations with staff to support their own wellbeing - like parents, teachers need to be pouring from full cups!

One-on-one with teachers to implement strategies for their classroom or for particular students

One-on-one with students to implement strategies

Student workshops for exam support

Elite or competitive sports teams for Health/Mental Fitness coaching

Supporting school guidance counsellors 

Small group coaching for students

Medical Students

In homes:
Supporting homeschooling children with their wellbeing

Supporting home educators/caregivers

Supporting children with neurodiversity, health & wellbeing challenges (such as anxiety preventing school attendance), other learning challenges

In other educational spaces:
Tertiary Sector
Homeschool group workshops
Kaiako support groups
School Board workshops
Nature-based services
ECE teachers
Principal Associations
School Representative Sport Teams
Commerce/Business schools

Tertiary Educators 

ECE Teachers

Primary Teachers

High School Teachers

School Principals

About our Mental Health Coaches

Our coaches have wide experience and niche skills that lend themselves to different spaces. Let's chat about how we can serve you.

Our health coaches at F L A X are all qualified with an advanced certification of Mental Health Coaching at Level 7 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework on top of a wide range of previous qualifications, experiences and career skills. Our coaches stay abreast of the latest research and evidence based outcomes for strong mental health and are accredited with a professional body. 

All of our coaches come from different backgrounds and these qualifications and experiences may allow them to offer complementing services alongside coaching!