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Enhancing wellbeing for our children in one-on-one, classroom or small group coaching

Look after our children, for they are the future...

The pressures that our youngsters are under has resulted in an unprecedented mental health crisis - 23% of secondary school students experienced significant depression symptoms in 2019. 

Our coaches work in the mild-moderate space to support our communities -  empowering people with mental fitness and health skills, routines and behaviour tools for long-lasting improved health outcomes.

Health coaches work in prevention - if we can address the health and mental health and mental fitness needs of our children now, we can prevent more severe symptoms in the future - a bit like fencing the top of the cliff so we need less ambulances at the bottom. 

'Uncertain futures, social media and safety online, racism and discrimination, whanau wellbeing and intergenerational connections' are the prominent causes of mental distress in our rangatahi and tamariki, according to the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission of Aotearoa. 

Our coaches work with children to support them in a range of issues. Contact FLAX to see how we can best support you.

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Meltdowns

  • Health issues

  • Disordered Eating

  • Fitness

  • Stress management

  • Overwhelm

  • Burnout

  • Sensory Overload

  • Poor sleep

  • Social media management

  • Social anxiety

  • Team settings

  • Exam pressure

  • Relationships

  • Trauma backgrounds

Our scope is mild-moderate and our coaches will undertake some screening to best support you in your health care.