New announcement. Learn more

Specialty Niches

Our coaches have a wide range of backgrounds and additional skills that lend themselves to supporting school leaders, teachers and children. 

schools we're actively working in 


Educators and Med students we've reached in our workshops so far


qualified mental health coaches moving into the FLAX space

Walk N Talk Coaching

Amplify one-on-one coaching by taking it into nature!

In person or virtually, undertake your coaching session whilst walking in the park, at the beach, or around the block. 

Fill your vit D cup, get those daily steps in, expand your lungs, and tick off your mental heath support too.

Adventure Coaching

Some of our coaches have skills, qualifications and backgrounds in nature- based services such as youth adventure activities and forest school. 

Combining the power of health coaching with the healing of outdoors, our coaches are making a difference with our children and teens. 

Rainbow Coaches

Some of our coaches are well placed to support our rainbow tamariki. Contact us at FLAX to find out more. 

Eating disorders 

Some of our coaches have skills, qualifications and backgrounds in eating disorders or undiagnosed disordered eating behaviors, body image or self esteem. 


Some of our coaches have skills, qualifications and backgrounds in neurodiversity and can support our spicy youth directly or work with whanau and caregivers with support. 

Get in touch with us today and allow us to explore the best coach approach for you. 

Empowering educators, supporting students, upskilling families... for better well-being outcomes for our children.

Connect with our team today