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Improving wellbeing outcomes in education

Te Hunga Tuarā Tautoko -
we’re a collective of mental health coaches supporting our tamariki to thrive.

FLAX is a collective of professional Mental Health Coaches working with school leaders, whanau, and educators by providing holistic and personalised health support, to improve wellbeing in NZ schools and educational spaces. 

The wellbeing of our youngsters is influenced by
their home life,
the world around them,
social media,
the school environment and
their peers.

When our children struggle with these pressures, this shows up in
behavioral incidents,
mental health symptoms,
disengagement from their peers and whanau,
lack of interest in school work and
physical complaints.

We're a real solution for mental wellbeing, with real people...

Forget another programme, a tick-box exercise or a hidden health agenda... we're here to keep the focus on mild-moderate mental health support.

We want our communities to get health and stay well, and we love to build mental fitness in our clients through lifelong skills/capacity for wellness.

FLAX supports qualified Mental Health Coaches (MHC) to deliver quality coaching, workshops and resources in the education sector.

FLAX is an charity that promotes and supports mental health coaches in education.

Our coaches deliver personalised school wellness solutions - presentations to improve mental fitness, guidance for teachers to implement strategies in the classroom, workshops for students catering to the NZ health framework, provision of a health-based approach to working with particular students, and ensuring the teacher’s own wellbeing needs are met.

Our coaches support whanau to work directly with caregivers or children, catering for home schoolers, neurodiversity or other learning and behavioural challenges, family health such as food, sleep, movement, screen addictions. 

We improve wellbeing for NZ learners and educators.

We are FLAX and we are...

  • A collective of qualified mental health coaches 

  • Making a difference to students and educators

  • Meeting our clients where they’re at, on their agenda

  • Supporting our clients to achieve their wellbeing goals

  • Using curiosity and behavior science to progress forward

  • Supporting people to navigate a minefield of mental health information and resources

  • A real solution, with real people, for the current Mental Health crisis

  • Filling the treatment gap of mental health providers 

  • Focusing on early intervention as the key, prevention is cure!

  • Staying in our scope of mild to moderate anxiety, depression, overwhelm, burnout etc

  • Helping keep people healthy and well as opposed to crisis intervention

  • Supporting lifelong skills/capacity for wellness

  • Promoting mental fitness as a priority for ongoing wellbeing for our communities

Empowering educators, supporting students, upskilling families... for better well-being outcomes for our children.

Laying the foundations for positive mental health

Our tailored approach empowers educators with the skills and knowledge to foster a positive and supportive learning environment, nurturing student well-being and academic success.

Connect with our team today